Welcome to the Upper School Drama Club! We take the school's mission of "engaging students in an education of excellence enabling them to impact the world through a growing relationship with Jesus Christ" and practically apply it to the theatre arts. This is done in a variety of ways, but the primary avenue is through producing our Fall Play, Spring Musical, and Student Directed One Act Festival on the AACS mainstage each school year.

The Upper School Drama Club is for students who enjoy the various elements of theatre (anything from performance to technical theatre), consistently want opportunities to grow in their respective craft, want to pursue that craft with excellence, and learn how to use their gifts to glorify God. Above all, the Upper School Drama Club aims to establish a culture where the students involved don't simply thrive as actors, directors, sound technicians, etc., but where they can continuously grow in their relationship with Christ, forge lasting friendships, and create cherished memories.

If you are interested in joining the Drama Club or have any questions, please contact Ms. Sarah Bierc at sbierc@aacsonline.org.

Upper School Productions


Photographer: Nathalie Meade

Hello Dolly performers wave