Governance & Board


Board of Directors

As the AACS governing and policy-making body, the board provides spiritual leadership and direction for AACS. Members work closely with the Superintendent and other key personnel to advance the school’s mission and further our cause for Christian education.

What is a Policy-Making Board and How Does It Function?
The board operates according to a Policy Governance Model developed by Dr. John Carver and sometimes referred to as the Carver Model. The board approves strategic goals and plans, creates governing policies, and approves and monitors the school budget. While the board approves all senior-level hires (principals, and others who report directly to the Superintendent), the superintendent is the only employee directly evaluated and supervised by the board. The superintendent leads the school, and his/her direct reports include four principals and staff leaders in advancement, operations, and athletics. Additionally, the AACS Board acts together, requiring a majority vote, when approving policies or budget proposals or changes to the bylaws and constitution. In other words, individual board members do not have the authority to act independently. Please email Michael Edmonds, board president, if you have a question, comment, or suggestion for the board.


Michael Edmonds, AACS Board President

Kevin Atkinson

Steven Boggs

Mark Bothmer


Amy Cowart

Ryan Cox

Kristin DeMarco

Ron Foster

Charles Griffin

Marc Lee

Jina Simmons

Governing Documents